§ 8.24.040. Abatement—Notice  

Latest version.
  • The enforcement officer shall investigate all public nuisance complaints. If the enforcement officer determines that a public nuisance exists, the enforcement officer shall take such action as is reasonably necessary to abate the nuisance. This includes, but is not limited to, ordering the owner or responsible person creating, permitting, or maintaining the nuisance to abate it. If the owner or responsible person does not abate the nuisance, then the enforcement officer shall give the owner or the responsible person written notice that a nuisance exists, a description of the nuisance, the sections of this code or other law that is being violated, a time frame by which to abate the nuisance that shall not exceed twelve (12) days, and a statement that if the owner or the responsible person does not abate the nuisance, then the town shall abate the nuisance at the owner's or the responsible person's expense and a lien for such expense be imposed upon the property. The notice shall be served personally or by first class mail.

(Ord. 611 § 1, 2005: Ord. 606 § 3 (part), 2004)